FM Foundation
FM Foundation

Personal development: three workshops for children and adults in Trnava

In Slovakia, as part of the ‘Take life into your own hands’ project, three workshops were set up to help young people at the Trnava orphanage and train adults in coaching.

On December 9, 2024

An initiative for personal growth

Enlargement of the Take Life Into Your Own Hands project to a new facility in Trnava, Slovakia. Its primary goal is to help children from the orphanage adapt to life after leaving by building on their strengths and talents. During these two initial workshops, 29 children took part in activities fostering their personal growth, while 20 adults—staff members and tutors—enhanced their coaching skills, focusing on active listening and shifting perspectives.

Detský Domov Trnava: an involved partner

Detský Domov Trnava, also known as the Centrum pre deti a rodiny Trnava, is an orphanage located at Botanická in Trnava in Slovakia. It plays a key role in educational and social projects designed to improve the lives of children who cannot live with their biological families. By providing a nurturing and supportive environment, the organisation fosters stability and a sense of belonging for the children. Actively involved in initiatives such as socialisation workshops, the centre collaborates with professional parents, volunteers, and sponsors to enhance the children’s skills and strengthen their bonds with adults. Furthermore, its commitment to long-term well-being is exemplified by projects like the creation of an eco-friendly playground, combining recreation and education.

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